Sunday, August 16, 2020

What Finals week is like for an Art major

What Finals week is like for an Art major As an art major, my end of semester time is little different than everyone else. As people cram for finals, I am released from classes and ready to start my winter break. Although it seems as if art majors are getting off the hook, or have less work than other majors, through the entire semester we have intensive projects to work on in and out of class, and it takes a substantial amount of effort to be creative and expose ourselves through our art all the time. Although art majors in studio classes don’t have finals, we have final projects that fuse what we’ve learned in the class all year into one finished piece. These projects are very difficult because art is subjective and you never know if you’re art will be perceived the way you want it to be. So for all of those potential art majors out there, there’s going to be times where you’re stressed out and everyone else is cruising by, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel ?? Bye bye, Indyia Indyia Class of 2019 I’m an Art Foundation student in the College of Fine and Applied Arts, and after Art Foundation I plan on majoring in Art Education. With my degree and teaching certificate, I want to teach children how to use their emotions, thoughts, and surroundings to create art.

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