Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Personal Narrative My Canoe Journey - 1073 Words

I was a little annoyed at first right when we got to finally load up in the water. My canoe partner (Loren) and I waited in the water for easily an hour. It was miserable because I felt I was being teased. I was so ready to begin our canoe journey and we were just in the water loaded and we couldn’t because we had to wait for the people in the cars to come back. Watching all those boy scouts leave ahead of us made me nervous. The competitive side of me instantly wanted to make sure we got to the campsite before them. Loren was my canoe partner and we were off to a rough start trying to figure out how to steer. Once we got the hang of it we did well. I was in front as the turbo and she was maneuvering the canoe. On the way, there it was†¦show more content†¦After we finished the game we ate some delicious S’mores. The only downside was that I had to cook my marshmallow off a stick. Therefore, I gave my stick to someone so that they could use it first and once I used it, it would be cleaner. Later, we got to have quiet reflection time. During this time, I thought about how cool it was to be on a camping trip with my fellow colleagues. Not many people can say that they’ve had this experience. I also thought about how I have been able to make it for an entire day already without using my phone. That made me realize that I need to start cutting down the amount of time I use my phone because I spend so much pointless time on it. I also got to thinking how pretty the stars, moon, and fireflies looked. I honestly never take the time to just go outside and look up at the stars and mood. It is honestly such a beautiful sight. Then I went back to my tent and talked to my tent buddies for an hour until we realized we were the only ones talking so we decided it would be best to fall asleep so people couldn’t hear what we were talking about. When I woke up I felt so sore, stiff, and gross. I had woken up about three times in the middle of the night, because I couldn’t get comfortable. Also, the morning dew which I was expecting not to be bad, was as bad as I remember it the last time I went camping. It was so gross waking up wet. My entire left arm also felt numb and I felt that I aged the fastest I’veShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On Grief1943 Words   |  8 Pages2 Reflective Paper-A Personal Journey of Loss and Grief As it applies to the Dual Process and The Meaning Reconstruction Models Tammy Reynolds January TATI DL 2017-2018 course November 6, 2017 Claudia Mandler McKnight Art Therapy, Spirituality, Grief and Loss Final assignment Introduction This reflection paper will attempt to explore the grief and loss of my father as it relates to Stroebe and Schut’s Dual Process Model of Bereavement and Neimeyer’s Meaning Construction Model (citedRead MoreSharing The Same Fate in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain1212 Words   |  5 PagesAdventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck is a young boy who decides to run away from his abusive father, accompanied by an escaped slave who believes that he will be sold and separated from his family. 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Other words were added or revised from other sources, but in order to keep the size within manageable limits not all possible sources have been exploited. I am particularly grateful to my reviewers, who pointed out some of the glaring errors; I hope they will find this edition at least slightly less faulty. I am very grateful to Dr (now Professor) E.N. Emenanjá » , Mr (now Dr) P.A. Anagbogu, and to Miss Helen Joe Okeke and Miss Ifeoma Okoye

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Its Not over - the Notebook Essay - 1086 Words

It’s Not Over – The Notebook ENG 225 Sarah Carson April 16, 2012 It’s Not Over – The Notebook The Notebook is a love story set in the pre and post-World War II era. It was directed by Nick Cassavetes and the main characters are Noah and Allie. They fall madly in love during one summer but Allie was from a wealthy family and her parents would not allow it. They separated from each other for fourteen years and after Noah returned home from a stint in the Army he began restoring an old farmhouse. Allie finds a newspaper article about Noah and his accomplishments and she returns to him however the problem is that she is engaged to another man. This story is told by an old man who is reading to a woman who suffers from†¦show more content†¦The art director is also responsible for the art department budget and the schedule of work. When the movie opens at a Ferris wheel Noah is stricken by Allies beauty. His clothing shows that he is a hard working individual and a bit disheveled looking while Allie’s clothing and hair shows that she is from a wealthy family. Throughout the movie Allie’s hair was always well groomed as was her clothing not much like Noah who barely had two nickels to his name. His clothing depicted him as being poor but that did not detract from Allie’s love for him. As the movies progresses through time Allie becomes engaged to another man Lon that she nursed to health during the war. One evening while the couple was out dining with Allie’s parents, Lon pops the big question and asks Allie to marry him. He was the picture perfect man in the eyes of her mother. After the big ‘will you marry me’ question, Lon jumps up on the band’s stage, takes over the microphone to announce his bride to be to the public. The congratulatory music that was played after that announcement spoke of wealth. The clothing at that time was reminiscent of a soldier at war and Allie, again, a wealthy southern woman with class, charm, and a notable southern accent. Allie’s clothing and hair style were retro 40s. The hair was either long or slightly curled, with a flower or pin to hold it away from the face, or it wasShow MoreRelatedBook Review : The Notebook 1259 Words   |  6 Pages Tamara Bodagh Humanities 1210 November, 24th 2014 The Notebook film review The Notebook is a 2004 American romantic drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes and based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks. The notebook is a phenomenal film with incredible performances and many heartfelt moments. It’s a love story that told by a man (Garner) from the present day reading from a faded note book to a woman (Rowlands) in a nursing home. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Argumentative Essay Packet free essay sample

Argumentative Essay Packet Essay format Title Page I. Introduction a. Attention Getter b. General Information c. Specific Information d. Thesis Statement II. Counter Argument a. Topic Sentence b. Evidence c. Explanation of Evidence d. Explanation of Why Your Argument is Still Correct III. Supporting Body Paragraph a. Topic Sentence b. Explanation of Argument c. Evidence d. Explanation of Evidence e. Closing Statement IV. Supporting Body paragraph a. Topic Sentence b. Explanation of Argument c. Evidence Explanation of Evidence e. Closing Statement V. Conclusion a. Restate Thesis b. Summary of Each Argument c. Thoughtful Comment Reminder: Paragraphs are no less than 5 sentences, no more than 7 Step 1: Examine Both Sides of the Topic †¢When writing an argumentative essay you must include a counter argument †¢The counter argument recognizes that there are two sides to the topic and explains why your position is still correct To find your counter argument 1. Research your topic, and decide your position 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Argumentative Essay Packet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Using what you know from the text come up with 3 reasons that you support your position 3. Using what you know from the text come up with 3 reasons that support the opposite position 4. Choose the 2 strongest reasons that support your position 5. Choose the 1 reason in support of the opposition that you can easily challenge. This will be your counter argument Topic Statement: Step 2: Writing a Thesis †¢A thesis statement is one sentence that tells the reader exactly what the entire essay will be about. It will include the counter argument and two reasons that support the position. †¢A thesis statement is always the last sentence of the introductory paragraph To write a thesis statement you will: 1. In one sentence, state your counter argument then include the two reasons that support your position. Thesis Statement: Most of this should be done, pull it together -Follow the format on the given outline Step 4: Topic Sentences †¢Topic sentences in an argumentative essay are based on the thesis statement To write a topic sentence you will: 1. Break apart your thesis statement. Create 3 separate sentences 2. One of your topic sentence can be your counter argument 3. Your second and third topic sentences will be the two reasons supporting your position 4. Use transition words at the beginning of each topic sentence Topic Sentence for body paragraph #2 (Counter Paragraph) Step 5: Writing the counter argument body paragraph †¢The counter argument body paragraph contains a reason supporting the opposite position, but explains why your position is still correct. To write the counter argument body paragraph: 1. Write the topic sentence that contains the counter argument 2. Write an explanation of why this is a reason that supports the opposite position 3. Include evidence from the text 4. Write an explanation of how the evidence supports the opposite position 5. Finish by writing an explanation of why your position is still correct Step 6: Write supporting Body Paragraphs -Follow format from outline Step 7: Write a Conclusion -Follow format from outline †¢These steps and their paragraphs follow the same rules and format as previously stated and discussed in class †¢Use transitions where needed Follow the essay format given on the first page of this packet Possible Topic Ideas: Must be current event issues -Immigration Control- Student Athlete Unions -Gun Control* If you have an idea, it must be approved by me first. * -Legalizing Marijuana*No more than 2 student may have the same topic* -Legalizing Same Sex Marriage*Research well, topics later to be used for debates* Standardized Testing -Celebrity Children: Paparazzi Control Argumentative Essay Check list Topic Approved5

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Good Evil Transformation Essays - Characters In Hamlet

The Good Evil Transformation The Good Evil Transformation Hamlets transforms from good to evil in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare. Hamlet experiences a lot of pain and becomes very anger because of his fathers death, his mothers bad remarriage, and the loss of his only love, Ophelia. The losses that Hamlet has to deal with are the anger and lack of forgiveness build in himself. This allows Hamlets true thoughts and character to be revealed through his soliloquies. First, Hamlet reveals his wishes that he could just melt away and be gone; because if he dies, he would be free from the world. Hamlet thinks about how his father was a leader and went from a noble king to a king that does not desire to help his people and serve his country. Hamlet loves the power and the fame that is comes with being a king. Hamlet also shows his anger and disbelief with women in general Frailty, thy name is women like his mother and her bad marriage with Clauduis. Hamlet says he is sick at heart over his father's death and his mother's remarriage. Hamlet finds out that his uncle Clauduis has killed the King, Hamlets father. The ghost of Hamlets father tells him to try and seek revenge against Clauduis who was responsible for the kings murder. So, Hamlet needs to kill Clauduis to avenge his fathers death. Hamlet must kill his uncle and get his innocent hands full of blood, so he can avenge his fathers death. Hamlet now turns into a deceitful person. He now tries to come up with a plan to kill Clauduis for his crime. Hamlet starts to question his ability to get revenge for his fathers death. He wonders if he is too much of a coward. Hamlet starts to think if it is better to live life with the pain of his fathers murder or try to get revenge by killing his uncle Clauduis. Hamlet believes that death is the same as going to sleep, forever. Hamlet thinks if he could go into a deep sleep that would stop all the pain and suffering plus all his sorrow and he would be happy to do it. Hamlet hesitates about taking his own life and falling asleep forever because, he thinks that when he is asleep he will have dreams and the dreams he will be very disturbing to him. For the first time, Hamlet meets his mother in privacy. At least that is what he thinks. He starts to discuss his feelings of his mother, but he vows that he will speak daggers, but he will never actually use one. While Hamlet speaks with his mother, someone else is listening to their every word. Polonius has devised a plan to hide himself behind a curtain in the room and listen in on Hamlet and his mothers conversation to find out if Hamlet has gone mad. Hamlet discovers that there is something behind the curtain. He thinks that it is Clauduis hiding behind the curtains and that he will finally get revenge like the ghost asked him to. Hamlet thinks his quest to avenge his fathers death is about to end. But, he is going to find out that it is not true. His ambition gets the best of him, and he does not think correctly. Hamlet kills the great Polonius. Before this event, Hamlet is known to use his intelligence before he commits a task, but this one action seemed to change his fate. He later blames his madness as being responsible for the death of Polonius. Hamlet is now starting to lose his mind. Hamlet now takes time to think of all the events that have just occurred. Everything is not going his way, makes his revenge for his fathers murder very difficult. He that hath made us with large discourse and the incapability of making godlike reason, made us only contain one part wisdom and three parts coward. With this, he questions why he still lives to say these words. Witness this army of such mass and charge, led by a delicate and tender prince, whose spirit, with divine ambition puffd. Hamlet emphasizes how a righteous and pure spirit becomes crushed by ambition, the aspiration of becoming renowned and accepted. My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth. Hamlet has now revealed his own crisis. A righteous and pure spirit that has been crushed by his longing revenge towards Claudius. In Hamlet by Williams Shakespeare, Hamlets character is perceived at the beginning of